Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Terra Incognita by Juliette Lewis

This is probably the most surprising record i have bought in the last couple of weeks. It wasn't so much i was expecting a bad record it was just that i only really bought it because i am what is commonly referred to as a completest who must have every possible major release from artists i really dig. I am referring to the very talented mildy weird Omar Rodriguez Lopez.

This guy in my opinion is one of my favourite artists. He is the leader and the driving force behind The Mars Volta as well as releasing and producing no less that 30 records since1996. This man is prolific and does not fuck around. So why would he choose to hook up with a artist like Juliette Lewis... For this reviewer i have no idea, i know nothing about Juliette Lewis music career other than the fact the she was in a band called Juliette and the licks and she was a famous movie star who once fucked Brad Pitt. Its all very well if that is what you want to hang your hat on but surely there is more to this girl than that. To be fair though i shouldn't give her shit though because has starred in a Martin Scorcese picture and i haven't...

All in all i really enjoyed this record. Its not about to change the was i listen to music but i gotta say it is fun. Juliette in my opinion in channelling Patti Smith with PJ Harvey and maybe even a touch of Janis Jopliin in there. Her lyrics seem fairly honest but she has a dirty fucked up voice that could be gratin and annoying for some but after a while i liked it. The music on the other hand is a entirely different beast. Omar is such a fine craftsman who makes great music. The backing band is 2 guys out of the Mars Volta and they kick major ass. They always do. The drummer Thomas Pridgeon sounds like he has 8 arms, he is fucking crazy and the other guy on the album is Marcel Rodriguez Lopez ( omars brother) who is always there just doing the business holding it all together. I would not necessarily call this album weird but parts of it definitely are. In saying that though there are moments that are really straight and pop like with a rock edge. Its a curious listen that is not going to change your life but will keep you occupied and maybe even slightly surprised by the former Mallory Knox....




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